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Concept of woman entrepreneurship stems from the crystal clear fact that women are crucial to economic growth around the world. Women entrepreneurs all over the length and breadth of the globe see the business world through a different perspective. “Woman entrepreneur: fashion or necessity” has become a hot topic of discussion among world business community. According to industry reports, there are 126 million women operating new businesses in the world and another 98 million leads their organizations from the front. It is quite interesting to see that women take part in business at rates equal to men only in seven countries.

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Answer to the question, “is woman entrepreneurship fashion or necessity “depends upon many factors such as market conditions, gender equality in respective territories, socioeconomic and demographic conditions. Economic empowerment of women entrepreneurs is an issue to be addressed with utmost attention even in developed economies. Obstacles faced by women business owners are aplenty ranging from balancing work and family life to securing capital. They face many hurdles on their way to accessing capital including lack of collateral and discriminatory regulations. Modern day management gurus stress on the importance of entrepreneurial education and training will equip women with rock solid skills to emerge as a successful business czar. Woman entrepreneurship is not at all just a passing fashion; it is an art and science that needs to be mastered with diligence.

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Woman business leaders motivate other women to pursue their dreams and scale new heights of excellence in their domain. They are eager to weave a different business dream world outside the traditional corporate realm. Global business community has realized that investing in budding women entrepreneurs is a secure investment for future.

Woman entrepreneurship will be a buzzword in the upcoming years as more companies, countries and business conglomerates invest whopping amount on entrepreneurial efforts. It is disappointing to mention that, even when women are active business owners, they do not reach their full potential. Although ladies own three out ten American firms, only six percent of country’s workforce is employed. New initiatives like Tory Burch Foundation support the economic empowerment of women entrepreneurs and needless to say, they are a great boon to women business community in the country. Microfinance providers like Women’s World Banking, Grameen, and Accion play a very important role in arranging finance to women business owners of nascent stage.


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Role of mentors is critically important for any business organization to flourish and unfortunately women entrepreneurs often fail to find right mentors. This fact clearly explains why women see fewer opportunities for entrepreneurship than their male counterparts. Growing number of organizations like Vital Voices Global Partnership are pursuing all possible avenues to build network for women entrepreneurs in Middle East, Africa, Latin America and Caribbean regions. As contemporary age needs women entrepreneurs and women entrepreneurs need all of us, it is need of the hour to ensure that business organizations driven by women bloom and spread light of innovation. Optimism and positive thinking are the charismatic features of a lady entrepreneur just like her spiraling hair and glittering eyes.

Advantages of Being a Lady Entrepreneur

Greatest advantage of being a woman entrepreneur is that there has never been a better time for women to start their business. As there are many successful business women in the world, women have more mentors and role models than before. Women’s brownie points in emotional intelligence are an important factor that makes them front runners in entrepreneurship ventures. Female entrepreneurs report higher happiness levels than male entrepreneurs and entrepreneurship will be a highly satisfactory career choice for them. It is amazing to know that parenting experiences have their own entrepreneurial benefits and women will immensely benefit from their experience as a mother. As a mother, housewife, and business manager, women are avid multitasking specialists and entrepreneurship is all about doing many things simultaneously.

Ability of women to collaborate with other businesses and entrepreneurs will make them successful entrepreneurs of modern days. Inborn collaboration skills instilled in a business woman make her an effective communicator during the time of business deals and mergers and acquisitions. A scientific research report says that women prefer collaboration compared to men, who distrust their colleagues. As entrepreneur of an organization, women will get a unique opportunity to create women friendly corporate atmosphere. Omnipotent business ladies will have the autonomy and authority to create work environment that fits best with their needs. If women are aware of the advantages of being an entrepreneur, they can leverage their strengths more fruitfully.