“The sales consultants was spending too much time in manual order entries and doing swivel chair in the order management system and also logging into the book provider sites to fulfill request. This implementation reduced the manual overhead by around 95%. Automating most of the aspects of the end to end integrated solution.”
Salesforce implementation for Ecommerce
Sales Cloud Implementation
The Challenge
This leading provider of textbooks to schools and colleges contacted Sairoop to manage the book ordering, inventory management within salesforce. They needed CRM functionality, integration with their web site and back end order processing, opportunity management, lead and sales management, forecasting and comp management and integration with book providers.
How we Helped
The project was broken down into various phases to target specific aspects of functionalities.
- Initial salesforce implementation
- eCommerce Integration
- Internationalization
- Online ordering and eComp support
- Automated approval and order integration with the back-end provisioning
- Order packaging and real time integration with book providers.
- Salesforce process enablement to improve how sales person interacts with lead and opportunities
- Marketo Implementation and Integration
- Discounting and Quoting implementation
The Results
- End-End automated web integrated eCommerce platform seamlessly integrated with front and back ends.
- Seamless opportunity management and sales and marketing implementation allowing forecasting and revenue reporting.
- Intuitive user interface design, increased user adoption and minimal user data input requirements as all integrations took the complexities out of sales consultants.
Key Services
- Sales Cloud Modification
- Marketo
- Data Integration
- Ecommerce integration