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The first day at work, still remains in my brain intact. In the beginning I had no idea on what to expect from a career in agency recruitment. I have obviously heard all great things about the industry such as perks, helping someone bag their dream job, customer satisfaction. It sounded incredible and of course any job has its drawbacks such long hours on phone, competition and long work hours.

In the first one month, my eager learning mind was filled with terminologies, processes, candidate database and job descriptions. Luckily I had a very supportive team who kept reinforcing everything would be OK and yet the fear grips with the prospects of failing.

If I were to be a starter once again, I would keep in mind the following five points for survival

Take your Time to settle down: A new job has its own dimensions. Take your own time to learn things and master them. Failing to learn the essence of the essential points will result in failure and keep you under constant fear and stress. So Keep pace with the time and learn thoroughly.

Make the first call: Whether it is making the first candidate call or client call, if your manager has entrusted you giving it a go. Never shy away from making calls. Initially when you bungle your call, apologize readily which will keep up the receiver’s esteem of you. Talking to people becomes easier as you make more calls and it is best way to start learning.

Ask the question:  Don’t hesitate to ask questions, otherwise you will not get the answers you want. Remember no question is a stupid question, and only from questions you learn.

Take your break: When you work long days, it is important to take an essential break. When you got a lot to do, taking time to get some fresh air will actually revive you and make you alert for the rest of the day. Without a doubt you will come back with a fresh perspective.

Business development: Always ask questions, dig for new information and chase leads to bring business forward. Setting aside a specific time for business is very good and needs to be done religiously. Spreading your wings across a number of baskets mean you will never be completely out of work.

Do not exhaust yourself in the initial period since you have to remain energetic throughout your career. If you keep these tips in mind, you will certainly survive and surge forward.